2104297316 55 Iroon Polytechniou St, Pireas idiotikokep.piraeus@gmail.com
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IKEP PIRAEUS - Private Citizen Service Center - Piraeus Attica

At the Private Citizen Service Center (IKEP) Piraeus, we understand the importance of smooth and efficient processing of applications for benefits. We undertake your full support and guidance in all the necessary procedures, offering specialized services for the effective submission of your applications.

Benefits we undertake to help you apply for include:

  • KEPA (Disability Certification Center) benefits: The procedures for obtaining a benefit from KEPA require specific documents and conditions. With our expertise, we guide you in gathering the required documentation and completing your application process.
  • OPECA (Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity Organization) benefits: Applications for benefits through OPECA require a detailed process and presentation of special documents. With our experience, we help you complete your application. Tracking and progress of your request.
  • Other Benefits: In addition to the above, we also handle applications for other benefits, ensuring smooth and speedy resolution of your processes.

Whether it's disability, financial aid or another form of benefit, we're here to support and guide you every step of the way.



  Contact us for more information.  